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IQSM SmartCore™ account certification and global digital twin secured capital flow based funding protocols were designed to exceed all BIS formulated - bank capital adequacy ratios while conforming to all local market KYC, AML and sanction rulesets.


Evidence-based ecosystem regulatory controls - are fixed and certain and immutably enforceable, in real-time. They radically exceed all local central and commercial bank - capital, reserve and liquidity compliance ratios - and performance benchmarks.

Global Reserve Regulated System

IQSM SmartCore service line protocols secure and lock-down local and global - fixed total supply - monetary unit issuance and multi-line reserve deposit creation in equilibrium - with absolutely no need for any intermediated form, of local input deposit-taking.


They automate - dynamic - new levels, of stable and sustainable capital allocation and lock-down fixed and certain - 10:1 secured short, medium & long-term - tokenised deposit lines independent of the BIS imposed, capital allocation risks of fractional reserves.

No - central or commercial - full or fractional - reserve banking system can match the - math-regulated - 320% - Tier-1 capital rated real-time capital advance reserving standards, direct full reserve financial claim rights, bankable-asset audit processes, or five year, forward-horizon secured - net stable funding ratio.

IQSM Smartcore™ re-defines the foundations and soundness of all local banking, finance, payment, asset management and value exchange services - worldwide. They eliminate localised real reserve asset structuring & intermediation processes, and costs and render all - interest-rate-referenced - credit, deposit, & value creation systems - systemically unsound and obsolete.

IQSM | Regulatory Control |
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