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​IQSM Limited (UK CRN:09185715) holds the Exclusive Global IP Product License Rights for - GS-1 issued - Global Monetary Service Units with an initial global foundation reserve base and global base money reserve line of £39.99bn and in USD terms at a USD to GBP cross rate of 0.7896, 1 Jan 2024 - securing a 10:1 US$5.064bn YoY compounding global real estate funding and equity release capability, over a 60 month forward horizon.

-  global

-  foundation reserve system

-  world leading technology secured ecosystem

Local equity release rights, have the capability to - secure and generate the creation of unrivalled Pillar 1 local reserve assets at 3.2:1 the value - of locked, real estate equity. New multi-line yields are automatically credited as time-line defined, principal only mortgage repayments and enable the conversion of client eligible bank and non-bank mortgage, auto, personal loan and credit card balances into one, simple - fully secured credit line.

IQSM | Licensed Rights |
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