IQSM Limited is not - a bank or - an authorised deposit-taking institution. It's business model represents a paradigm change in traditional financial industry mindsets and delivers regulated current and future-state store of value growth - and profitability.
Tech for Good
We are proud to have created what we consider to be the holy grail of local money, banking, finance and payments - at global scale - provisioning unrivalled new ecosystem based solutions
that do not take deposits/funds on interest nor lend on interest.
Our strategy is not to compete head on with the status quo but to redefine how things work and offer new highly differentiated and radically simplified IP Trust protected, product and service lines that collectively benefit, all ecosystem registered - clients.
Unrivalled Performance
BMU localised capital and yield-optimised exchange protocols synchronise local store of value reserves, and render non-real asset-backed - yield and non-yield paying - fiat, crypto, stable-coin, bank-money and CBDC powered systems uncompetitive.
Global Virtual Stable-coin System
Decroix Group IP Master Trust owns all IP rights - for multi-line reserve provisioned and synchronised funding, market-making, and local and global virtual stable-coin exchange technologies.
Designed to protect - unified - client and community economic interests they - directly - secure reserve exchange rights for all indexed local base money currency systems, capital allocation and monetary policy aligned, transmission rails - with a carried reserve value, 10x that of a 1:1 bonded BMU - GCUs enhance local and national economic performance eliminating - interest rate service costs - and mitigating the cost of government debt.
Wealth Transfer
Over the next 5 years - and by the end of this decade in 2030, we will witness the largest, wealth & control transfer in human history, as real estate asset control and underlying equity held shifts from the balance sheets of 'traditional' mortgage lenders and third party securitisation funding providers back to owners.
Our mission is to provision open market access to a fairer and more equitable financial ecosystem, that continuously secures, and regulates client optimised reserve-account service lines in a way - no other financial ecosystem, network or platform can.
Global Resource Utilisation
Highly profitable from day one of release with fixed and certain current and forward multi-line powered - underwriting fees and profit sharing income from open market trading operations, we dramatically outperform, all traditional banking institutions and industry profitability benchmarks, on a short & long-term basis.
The global real estate market, is the world's largest - and most stable (with mainland China excluded) single investment asset class with an unrivalled store of equity value - after mortgages outstanding that can be loan equity value matched in real-time and re-applied as zero marginal cost loan credits - on-demand.
Competitive Advantage
Fixed total supply GCU based global reserve currency service protocols have an unrivalled - 10:1 - multi-line reserve secured digital twinning capability to progressively generate - new loan equity derived reserve assets, matched to current and forward looking real estate property based capital gains - one property, and one mortgage loan at a time, on a diversified open market basis - without traditional third-party funding service limitations.
Housing is a basic 'human-need' and our funding technologies provide a democratised reserve account aligned pass-through protocol that directly resets global reserve regulated monetary transmission policies with - client - localised wealth distribution on an inclusive math-regulated open market basis on-demand.
IQSM SmartCore™ maintains - unrivalled - mutually beneficial global reserve swap line exchange facilities, while maintaining it's local sound money reserving protocols and protecting local underlying client and national trading interests, and objectives.
IQSM SmartCore™ provisions and releases - unprecedented new levels, of client net disposable household and investment income and empowers unrivalled social and economic impact benefits at zero marginal cost, for local clients & governments.
IQSM SmartCore™ powers an unrivalled portfolio of products spanning the full spectrum of local and global money, banking, finance, payments, insurance, real estate, wealth creation and asset management and locks-down sustainable short, medium and long-term competitive advantage, within localised markets.
Intelligent End-to-End Automation at Global Ecosystem Scale
IQSM SmartCore™ re-defines the foundations and soundness of - all - banking, finance and asset management systems and automates exchange functions, worldwide - eliminating all FX, real to digital asset structuring and intermediation costs - and renders all bank & non-bank - interest-rate-referenced - credit, deposit & value creation systems - systemically uncompetitive.
Privately owned, funded and developed in Australia from 2016 to 2025 we deliver world-leading funding services, on-demand.
All - regional - funding mandate rights are locally licensed and provision unrivalled social and economic impact benefits - and reserve account rights on a client, national & ecosystem basis beyond the capabilities of all, local banking & finance systems.
Regional Digital Asset Trading Rights
Region activated BMUs, have secondary market trading rights available via a fully licensed & regulated, digital asset banking platform for foundation and institutional unit-holders and group open market treasury and trading operations from 1 July 2025.
Investors not resident in Switzerland, Singapore or UAE - may be subject to local restrictions. In particular no offer is made to any persons (being residents of US, UK, AU or partnerships or corporations, organised under the laws of the USA, UK, AU or any state, territory or possession thereof) who are excluded by US, UK, AU law from investment in these products or services.
Public Stock Exchange Listings
A series of new SPARC registered and sponsored stock rights will be issued to support regional exchange listings - in the US, EMEA and Asia Pacific - with issue details available - Q3 2025.