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IQSM SmartCore™ global multi-line reserve account powered funding lines lockdown new levels of efficient value and wealth creation, and secure all - client and whole of ecosystem based financial - claims against Tier-1 rated capital account reserves.

-  global

-  foundation reserve system

-  world leading technology secured ecosystem

IQSM SmartCore™ automates the - real-time - creation, audit, issuance, recording and exchange of all new, localised - client and whole of ecosystem GCU:BMU:GCU capital reserve right of use functions and all new compounding reserve line values.

GCU and BMU monetary service units have an initial localised par unit equivalence value of 100 compounding in unit value to 1,024,000 by month 60 - for each active BMU, and each of the 10 new GCU funding control lines created - in each, new cycle.

IQSM | Global Reserves |
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