Global currency units (GCUs) dis-intermediate all local central banking institutions and function as stable, interoperable local and global treasury reserve tools. They are a simple multi-line reserve based representation of a virtualised, global monetary system with a digital twinned service line capability, to operate concurrently, in TradFi and stateless DeFi modes, on-demand.
Global multi-line reserve (patents pending) stablecoin services leverage intelligent continuum synchronised flow rate KPI's, to adjust, local BMU referenced - capital equity value and capital yield flow returns within each individual underlying market and regulate unrivalled, end-to-end ecosystem performance levels.
GCU services are multi-line reserve secured, and dramatically outperform - traditional 1:1 reserve asset secured stable-coins that are dependent on reinvestment income and/or transaction fees - for profitability. Our virtual stable-coin protocols leverage an unrivalled new capital reserve secured, funding line system to originate radically simplified new currency, banking, finance, payment and value creation services and systems on-demand.
Global Virtual Stable-coin System
GCU local currency based virtual stable-coin services have an unrivalled compounding funding line capacity and capability to progressively refinance all global real estate markets, within a math-regulated and capital flow defined timeframe that can be selectively market tuned. They secure and provision unrivalled 10:1 - not 1:1 - direct reserve asset backing and yield services across all underlying real-asset secured, sovereign currencies.
Perpetual Monetary Service Units
No fiat, crypto, bank money, CBDC or mint-to-burn stable-coin based SoV, UoA or MoE service protocol can match our virtual stablecoin secured credit and value creation services or math-regulated 10:1 YoY compounding (per BMU and GCU reserve line) monetary unit based yield service and drawing line rights.
GCU service lines leverage unrivalled - new - global swap line capabilities across GCU indexed liquidity pools - each backed by bankruptcy-remote and math-regulated reserve linked cash flows secured by real estate loans - with no exchange rate risk.