Foundation owned fixed total supply BMU and GCU perpetual monetary units are a simple - multi-line reserve representation of compounding principal only loan repayment flows, powering unrivalled new levels of localised - current and forward-looking social and economic impact - benefits at unprecedented scale.
Similar to the Bitcoin - "gold supply and value" modelling base 399,999,960 fixed total supply share-aligned monetary service units with a unitary base par value of £100, issued 1 Jan 2024 (with a FTS value of £39.99 Bn and a USD TVLX of $50.91Bn at 1.272750) to match and emulate a five year forward (2030) global - residential & commercial - real estate market valuation excluding China & HK of US $509.10Tn, activating 1 Jan 2025.
Dynamic Computational Flow Rate Protocol
IQSM SmartCore™ leverages intelligent capital flow rate KPI's to adjust local BMU referenced capital equity value and capital yield flow returns within each individual underlying market, and regulates unrivalled end-to-end ecosystem performance levels.
Local and Global SoV, UoA and MoE Services
Perpetual monetary unit secured GCUs activate on a 1:1 GCU to BMU basis - as new BMUs release - at a global fixed supply rate of 6,666,666 pm - over 60 - consecutive - monthly funding cycles - fully empowered - with regenerative multi-line reservefunding capabilities and reserve line convertibility in perpetuity.
Dynamic Capital Allocation
We are proud to have created what we consider to be the holy grail of local money and continuum based finance empowering exciting new financial solutions - that automate the bonding, of real tangible-assets to compounding cash-backed, asset pools.
GS-10/100 BMU release-activated GCUs create - 10 new loan funding lines in each funding cycle and each is further reserve optimised by a fixed reserve line value multiplier - of 3.2:1 - for each reserve line for rolling - five year forward funding periods.
Current Assets
With direct passive monetary unit account cash-backing in lieu of active re-investment for 1:1 pegged reserves for MMFs and stable-coin mint-to-burn digital assets BMU:GCU reserve lines directly conform, on a current-asset defined - FASB, US GAAP and IFRS accounting guideline basis - as on-demand deposits.
All deposits are held by local - licensed and regulated, deposit insured banking entities. They compound in local cash-backed reserve line value at an unrivalled math-regulated accrual rate that is independent of local - re-investment or interest rate risk and provide a secure & unrivalled source of regenerative zero cost long-term deposits within asset/liability constraint or risks.
Local and Global Market Outperformance
They render all current legacy - 1:1 mint-to-burn reserve asset backed single and multi-currency based - stable-coin systems and all, fractional reserve banking and maturity transformation systems unsound, design limited & systemically uncompetitive.