IQSM SmartCore™ free, frictionless, and instantaneous multi-line reserve secured value exchange protocols, outperform all current global transaction networks and payment transmission systems on a local and global scale with no client or merchant fee, cost, or interchange charge - for any payment transaction.
Permissionless and composible IFSCs synchronise all reserve line indexed value exchange rights, for all individual, business, and government ecosystem registered clients. They lock-down local and global conversion line values, and index-harmonised multi-party - swap-line - rights for localised clients, in real-time across a single, global settlement and translation service layer.
No fiat, crypto, bank money, CBDC or mint-to-burn stable-coin based SoV, UoA or MoE based protocol, can match our virtual stablecoin based reserve exchange payment services or math-regulated - monetary unit based settlement and drawing rights.
Currency as a Service
Global currency unit monetary reserve lines - are directly 10:1 backed by real estate loan cash flows - flow term certain, up to 40 yrs in advance. They power - stable - non-speculative short medium and long term monetary service unit localised - capital and yield returns without re-investment or interest rate risk and lock-down unrivalled new levels, of localised stablecoin-centric ecosystem profitability across all, GCU indexed, currency lines.