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IQSM SmartCore™ interoperable multi-line reserve - monetary and financial system empowered funding line service protocols operate independently of all local central and commercial bank value creation systems, and - unconditionally - secure all, local yield-optimised client funding service rights of use, on-demand.



Our global financial service network provisions the distribution of unrivalled new - financial system - harmonised and synchronised financial assets, markets, products and services and locks-down sustainable short, medium, and long term competitive advantage.


Global Form Factor System


We have created a new local and global monetary service unit secured financial ecosystem powering solutions for - all - local market - individual, business & government clients on-demand that can be implemented at the client's choice on either a local base money or global currency unit secured funding line basis.


IQSM SmartCore™ math-regulated FTS monetary service line protocols (patents pending), have an - independent - multi-line reserve capacity and underwriting capability to outperform - all centralised and decentralised, monetary and financial systems.

Tech for Good

IQSM SmartCore™ powers a revolutionary zero marginal cost based funding capability to unconditionally secure - and equity line match (patents pending) real estate stores of value locked down - in local residential and commercial real estate markets.

IQSM SmartCore™  redefines the foundations and soundness of - all - banking, finance and asset management systems and value exchange protocols (patents pending), on a global scale and eliminates, all - tangible asset and digital asset structuring and intermediation costs, exposing all local market central and commercial bank interest-rate-referenced - credit and  deposit  systems & value creation protocols systemically uncompetitive.

Global Virtual Stable-coin System

No fiat, crypto, bank money, CBDC, or stable-coin based SoV, UoA or MoE protocol can match our virtual stablecoin secured credit and value creation services or math-regulated 10:1 YoY compounding - BMU and GCU - monetary unit based - capital accrual protocols and yield-service harmonised drawing rights.

Designed to protect - unified - client and community economic interests they - directly - secure reserve exchange rights for all indexed local base money currency systems, capital allocation  and monetary policy aligned, transmission rails - with a carried reserve value 10 times that of a 1:1 bonded BMU and enhance local and national economic performance eliminating - interest rate service costs while mitigating the cost of government debt.

IQSM | Global Open Financial System |
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